Saturday 16 August 2008

Arbitrator rules against Michael Ovitz

Cathy Schulman claimed wrongful termination

An arbiter has ruled in favour of producer Cathy Schulman in her ongoing legal battle with Michael Ovitz and Studio Canal, according to sources close to the case.

Schulman was prexy of Ovitz's film company, a joint venture betwixt his Artists Production Group and Studio Canal, for two geezerhood before resigning in January 2002.

Soon after, the two companies accused her of breaching a ski binding settlement arrangement and claimed she attempted to impairment Ovitz's company.

The producer, wHO won a best picture Oscar for "Crash," sued the two companies that October, claiming wrongful outcome. Schulman claimed Ovitz pink-slipped her for disclosing that APG was allegedly theft from Studio Canal's parent Vivendi by using force records and resources non related to their joint venture.

The case was sent to arbitration. There, arbitrator Campbell Lucas ruled against Schulman, ordering her to pay a $3.6 trillion judgment to APG and Studio Canal.

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge, however, dismissed the judgment because Lucas had not disclosed he had previously been hired as a rep to arbitrate an unrelated case for Ovitz's attorneys.

The case worked through and through the appeals court system until July 2007, when a three-justice appellate jury ruled in favor of Schulman award her more than $150,000 in attorneys fees and ordination the caseful back to arbitration.

Though the arbitration proceedings are confidential, a rootage close to the case said a new arbiter ruled this week in Schulman's favour, awarding her $300,000 in attorneys fees and costs.

Schulman and her lawyer Mark Geragos declined to comment.

Ovitz's attorney, Andrew Pauly, aforementioned in an e-mail, "The matter is still pending before the arbitrator and subject to a confidentiality agreement."

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